Offering a warm, safe place in the winter.
  • Offering People Help,
    Healing, & Hope

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Share the Warmth of Hillsdale County

We are a non-profit warming center providing the essentials of food, clothing, and shelter.

From the beginning, our mission has been to provide a warm safe place during Michigan's frigid winter months. We believe we are all in this together, and it is our responsibility and privilege as a community to help our neighbors in need, regardless of who they are or how they became homeless. In everything we do, we strive to bring our guests the help, healing, and hope found in Jesus.

Helping those in Need
Open Nightime Only
November 1 - April 1

 Open 6 pm - 9 am
 Dinner at Night
 Breakfast in the Morning
 Launder Street Clothes
 Offer Showers
 Provide Pajamas
 Wifi Access
 Other Amenities

Many people right here in Hillsdale County lack the basics of a warm bed, clean clothing, and a hot nutritious meal. At Share the Warmth, we have been blessed with tremendous Community support. When we began this journey we determined that Share the Warmth would be a combined community collaboration... And you have shown up and made a difference! But as the economy gets weaker and resources get tighter we will need your continued help and support. Thank you for standing with us.

Would you like to make a donation to Share the Warmth?

Cash donations are the best way to donate due to limited space for storage at the center. With cash donations, it allows the center to meet residents' needs as they arise. To make a donation to Share the Warmth, please click here.

We gladly accept nonperishable items as well. These items can be dropped off during the months of April through October. From November through March, we will continue to accept items by appointment only. Please call us at (517) 499-8186 or email us to learn more or to set up an appointment.

You can follow us on Facebook for updates on items needed. Additional donation information is available on our Donations page.

At Share the Warmth, we strive to build lasting relationships where our guests know, unquestionably, that they are seen, heard, cared for, and that they are not alone. In the words of Jesus,

For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you invited me in. I needed clothes and you clothed me. I was sick, and you looked after me. I was in prison, and you came to visit me. When you have done it for them, you have done it for me.

Matthew 25:35-37
Providing Food and Shelter

We Can Use Your Help

Volunteers can help in many areas!
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Share The Warmth of Hillsdale

Located inside of Sozo Church
7 S. Manning St, Hillsdale, MI 49242

Our warming center is open during the coldest winter months.

For more information, call Penny Myers, Executive Director, at (517) 499-8186.


Providing essentials of food, clothing, and shelter